Amazing Power of Gratitude

"Gratitude" is an amazing habit to change your life.
We have almost read the biography of successful peoples and we notice one common habit in them is that they start their day with some morning rituals and gratitude is one of the powerful morning rituals. But I suggest doing it multiple times in a day. Now I am going to explain everything about it like its definition, how to use it and most importantly how it works and its benefits.
Amazing Power of Gratitude

Why Gratitude

According to a study , around 70-80k thoughts come to mind and 80% of thoughts are repeated and most of the thoughts are negative. And every thought is the cause of every circumstance of our life.
Lot of people suffer from overthinking, stress and anxiety. In this problem negative thoughts are the dominant thoughts in our mind and our mindset should be negative and gratitude is one of the best remedies. After some practice of gratitude then it became the habit of our mind to search for positive things. The reason behind our negative thinking is the habit of our mind to think negatively. Maybe it is weird for you, but it is the truth that our mind follows the habitual task, so if you want positive thoughts to dominate your thoughts in your brain, then make it your routine to think positive. And Gratitude is one of the best ways to form this habit.

Benefits of Gratitude

All successful people believe that "we become what we think". Even Buddha said Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.
People use Law of Attraction and visualization techniques to manifest their dreams, but a lot of people fail to do so. The reason behind this is that we cannot manifest positive results until we change our thought pattern completely. So to get maximum from these techniques first we have to implement the technique of Gratitude.
Also states of Gratitude keep our energy level high, provide relief from stress, anxiety and overthinking.
Gratitude also helps to change our mindset, after practice gratitude it becomes normal for our brain to think positive, find positive and its benefit is that at this stage we train our mind to look for solutions and opportunities among problems, lessons from failures. And Author Dr. Carol Dweck considers this mindset as the Growth Mindset, which is the mindset of a true successful person.

Gratitude working Law

According to the Law of Attraction we manifest what we think in our life. And when we are grateful for something , obviously there is a good reason, which means we are thinking positive, so when we think positive we manifest positive things. That's Why I consider Gratitude as one of the best techniques to use the Law of Attraction

Practice of Gratitude.

One of the simple techniques to use Gratitude is using gratitude along with affirmations and we call this technique Gratitude Affirmations.
Now the question is what are these gratitude affirmations, how to write these affirmations and many more.
Here you get the answer to all these questions. Gratitude Affirmations.

1. Gratitude Journal

This is one of the powerful ways to use any technique like Gratitude and Law of Attraction. All of us know that the effect of pen and paper is more on our brain as compared to what we listen and what we speak.
Study says that if we practice something by speaking then we only consume a little percent of that thing, but if we practice it by writing then our mind consumes maximum.
In Gratitude journal you have to write things for which you feel grateful, you have to make a special notebook for this work. Where you have to write every little incident which adds some value in your life, incidents that teach you something, which make you happy.

2. One Day with No complain

I already said that our mind should focus more on habitual tasks, and if you want to live a happy stress free life, where you don't have any complaints to anyone, then you have to select a day in a week. On this day you have to keep your energy level high, try to be happy in every circumstance and feel grateful to everyone. Also if someone is making fun of yours then you have to forgive him/her. And from time to time remind yourself that today you have to keep your energy level high. Remember on this day you don't have to do any type of complaint.
Energetic, gratitude toward everyone, and forgiveness are your companions on that day. In this way you develop a habit, and with practice you definitely manifest the life that you want to live.

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