Make your Life Better with 21/90 Rule

According to 21/90 rule,
It takes 21 Days to make a Habit, and 90 days to make a Lifestyle.
With the 90 Days of hard work consistently you manifest in your life what you want. This 21/90 rule works perfectly well. You manifest the lifestyle that you want to live, and it is not a miracle, it is the power of consistency.
And I think this technique is the best way to get closer towards your goals, So lets understand How you have to implement this rule into your life and get the desired results within 90 days, using 21/90 Rule.
Make your Life Better with 21/90 Rule

So Let's Understand How we Make our Life Better with 21/90 Rule. 

I also suggest you take it as a challenge and here I will tell you what to do in this challenge.

Importance of Blueprint for 21/90 Rule

It's just like you're going for a trip and you haven't made any plans. So definitely you face problems during your trip like where to stay, which route is Best etc. So here, consider these 90 days as a trip and plan well, how you are going to utilize the next 90 days, what habits and skills you want to develop in your personality. Because if you don't plan for it then after some days you are totally confused about what to do next or you may be distracted. So make a proper blueprint/working plan for the next 90 days or divide these 90 days in intervals of 21 days. That's why this is 21/90 Rule.

How to Design your Blueprint for 21/90 Rule

As I take an example of a trip, where you are clear about where you have to visit or what is your destiny, so for planning you have to be clear about your destination, about your goals and the lifestyle that you want to develop.
So the very first thing you have to do is write down your goals on a paper, everything that is a part of your destiny, like what type of person you want to be, what is your career goal that you want to achieve, what skills you want to develop. Remember the one thing that doesn't write irrelevant things, and also don't write about your long duration goals.

Here I have some tips:-

Take an example like you want to be a speaker, then follow some famous speakers. Read about them how they did it, from where they start, how they achieve opportunities etc. All these things gave you a clear idea about your way to your destiny.
And write the skills that you have to develop to become a good speaker like communication skills, fluency and influence on language etc. And then write in front of them how these skills can be developed.
What you have to do to improve your communication skills, like reading, listening to good speakers, taking part in presentations, and also practicing daily by standing in front of a mirror.
In this way you find out what are your daily tasks, then your duty is to follow these tasks regularly without taking a single day break, and after 90 days you will become more and more proficient in your work.

Be yourself in 21/90 Rule

This is the major thing which you have to keep in your mind. During this 21/90 challenge don't betray yourself. If you want to be a speaker and you have stage fear, don't lie here to yourself. Find out your weakness and conquer them. If you do not kill your weakness this time, then your weakness kills your dreams.
Joseph Murphy in his famous Book "The power of subconscious Mind" told that if something is wrong with you then admit it, if you don't admit then your brain never knows what is wrong with you.
So be yourself during this 21/90 rule challenge

Also Quitting Bad Habits

To be successful, it is necessary to adopt good habits as much as it is necessary to give up bad habits.
So you also have to quit your bad habits, maybe it is difficult for you because following bad habits for a long time, they become a part of our nature and to change your bad habits you have to learn three things about that habit.
(1) How to deal with the trigger
(2) How to Change routine
(3) How to destroy the roots of bad Habits.
If you go through these facts of that habit, then easily you can break that habit.
In my Article "How to Break the Worst Habit" I discuss everything about these three points, so read it also.


Develop Your Mindset

Your biggest asset is your Mindset. Everything that you achieve in your life is because of your belief and your belief comes from your mindset. So you decided your goals for these 90 days and but one thing that you have to take care of is your Mindset.
We are what we consume, We are what we pay attention to, We are what we think. So everything that you consume(any type of information that you feed in your brain), that you pay attention to and your dominate thoughts will decide your Mindset. So make one commitment that in these 90 days you will develop your mindset. The Best way to develop your mindset is consuming valuable information, so start reading self-help books and self-help blogs, pay attention to meaningful conversation.

Fix your Physical Health

Healthy Mind resides in a Healthy Body. Robin Sharma says if you don't have time to exercise then you must have time to get sick. Today we just ignore our Physical Health and our smartphone takes our all the day. No one has time today to do some exercise in a busy world and because of not doing any physical exercise medial temporal lobe of our brain where the memory process becomes thin and after this if we start exercise still we cannot get back to that stage of the brain. Also not doing any physical exercise increases the mind age, it means the problem that our brain faces in old ages, starts facing before getting old.


• Does 21/90 Rule Work?

If you follow a habit consistently for 90 days then definitely it become a part of your day routine, it will like your lifestyle. 21/90 Rule follow the Law of Consistency and we all know that when a water drop consistently fall on a stone, it pierces it.

• 21/90 Rule Science

When we follow a habit consistently then your neuron patterns start changing and your brain start adopting that habit as a part of your personality.

• Is the 21/90 Rule Effective?


• How many days does it take to form a new habit?

Yes it is very affective to make permanent habits.
where he discuss that it take from 18 days to 254 days for people to form a habit. But 21/90 Rule is also effective to make permanent habits like waking up early, Doing work out, reading daily, practice Meditation daily, bring changes in your Mindset. But there are also other habits which take a little more time like completely change your Mindset, controlling your emotions, it take more time to change these belief patterns.

• 21/90 Rule Quote

It takes 21 Days to make a Habit, and 90 days to make a Lifestyle.

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