7 Habits to Become More Socially Confident

Today every organization looks for a confident leader. If you lack in some skills or may not answer some questions then it doesn't make much impact, but if you lack in confidence then it makes much impact.

If you don't look confident then no one is going to select you to run their organizations or company. If you're not confident about your own potential then how you conquer the challenges.

According to a study, around 75% of people have stage fear, they fear to perform or even speak in front of a crowd. The reason that they fear is not because they lack in some skills, but the reason is because they lack confidence. Our Confidence highly affects our performance. It is proven that an average skilled person with High confidence performs better than a person who has mastered the skill but lacks confidence.

To develop this Confidence you have to think like a Confident Person, and To think Like a Confident Person you have to Act Like a Confident Person.

In this Article I will share the Seven acts or Habits with you that make you a confident person. All these Habits are very easy to implement, all are small habits but bring large effects.

To Look Confident, think confident and To think Confident, act confident. These Habits not only make you more socially confident but also make you confident in other aspects of Life.

7 Habits to Become More Socially Confident

So Let's discuss these Habits.

7 Habits to Become More Socially Confident


Sam was a college boy, who also had stage fear like other students. His teacher gave him a task to give a speech. Sam prepares his speech but he feels anxious and worried about his performance.

But he has to follow the order of his teacher, so he gives his speech. And you know what happened?

He found that it was not as difficult as he thought. He does it again, and gives more speeches. And his Fear of Stage vanished.

I also experienced the same, the first time definitely you are a little worried and after the performance you feel bad, but if you repeat that process three-to-four times then your fear vanishes. And you conquer the fear that 75% of people are afraid of.

If you're in school or in college or in a job you definitely find opportunities to speak. Even in the meeting sometimes you have good points to say but you are afraid. So next time whenever you see an opportunity then grab it immediately. Then you'll observe that you start feeling confident. And the feeling of confidence is the reason behind the extraordinary growth of a person in his career.

The more you speak up, the more you add to your confidence, and the easier it is to speak up the next time. Speak up, it is the confidence-building Vitamin.

The Next good thing you can do is that whenever you find yourself with some stranger and both of you're waiting for a taxi or any other thing. Then try to start a conversation, Introduce yourself. And your this habit genuinely helps you to get comfortable easily with others.

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Psychology says, usually failure to make eye contact says one of the two things.

First, you feel guilty, you have done something against your conscience or hurt that person.

The second reason is that you feel inferior to him. Your eyes tell a lot about you. When you fail to make eye contact then subconsciously you send a message to him that "I am afraid of you, I feel weak beside you".

And this is the easiest practice you can do anywhere, anytime.

When you make eye contact you feel confident, you tell the other person that I am an important person.

Don't expect that you do it for one day and then you see the results. This exercise takes time, because it changes the subconscious message that your eyes are emitting.

Don't look the other person in the eye with aggression, because it also creates a Negative impression. Make a Normal eye contact, and it not only gives you confidence, it wins you Confidence too.

Looking the other person in the eyes tells him, You're honest and you're Confident.

3. Be a Front Seater

Why do you start feeling uncomfortable when you sit in the front?

You'll Notice that whenever you enter a Meeting room, classroom, then why you approach the last seats. This is because you lack confidence. And you know that if you sit in the front then maybe you have to make eye contact with the guy who is hosting the meeting, and you are afraid to make eye contact. But the overall reason is that you lack confidence.

So from now on, do the opposite, always try to grab the first seat. Be a front seater and then you automatically feel the changes in your confidence.

You have to act confidently, and when you sit in the end then you act like an unconfident person.

Your Subconscious Brain records all your experiences, habits and decisions, and then creates a Self-image. And when you make decisions like sitting in the last, afraid to make eye contact then definitely your subconscious Brain makes an image of an under-confident person. So take those actions, decisions that help to create an image of Confident person. And you can start with small actions or decisions. So take decisions like a Confident person and also follow those decisions.


Your facial expressions tell a lot about your confidence. You can also observe your own expressions, when you feel anxious then it will be clearly visible on your face. You can't smile at that time, but if you shift your focus on giving a Smile, a Big Smile then it works like a Magic.

A Smile can shift your focus from nervousness to confidence. It not only gives you confidence but also helps you to create a good impression on others. A smile on face attracts the attention of others, a smile on face brings energy inside you, a smile on your face creates a positive environment, a smile on your face wins others hearts, and a smile on your face makes you a confident person.

A confident person always smiles, And the one who is not confident is nervous. So act like a Confident Person, and always carry a Smile on your Face.


What is the reason that you do your shopping from the same store almost every time, why do you go to the same restaurant almost every time. Because you are afraid to visit new places, and it is because our brain follows easy things, here easy things means things that have become almost habitual. Visiting the same restaurant and grocery store has become habitual.

But when you visit new stores, new restaurants you break the habit of your brain to get comfortable with the old things. And then your brain also feels comfortable when you try something new. And this will help you to grow outside of your comfort zone and give you the confidence to do new things.

This is Just an example, you have to figure out those small actions from which you hesitate to take, like visiting a club alone.

When you do this then you train your Brain to easily get comfortable with the new environment. So when you meet a new group of people or a client you easily get comfortable with them, and you look confident.

READ 120 Morning Affirmations to Build Confidence


If you're going to attend a Meeting, giving a presentation or a Speech, it means if you're going for a Event then Prepare for the Event Ahead of Time when Possible. This really boosts your Confidence.

You already experience this that when you have good knowledge of your work then you look more confident, but when you lack knowledge then you try to escape from the situations.

If you're going to meet a client then study every possible detail of your product so you can impress him with your knowledge. Also be prepared for the questions that your clients may ask you.

Right Preparation is the First step toward victory.


Here looks means to wear clothes in a proper way. I am not asking you to put expensive clothes, put simple clothes, they are neat and clean and properly ironed.

It's my personal Experience, In an Event my shoes were a little dirty and the shoes of my fellows were clean. And Because of this My focus was going on my shoes again and again, and I tried to hide them with cross legs. And I also observe that When I dress well then I find myself full of confidence.

And also before you start interacting with others your body language and your dressing way tells a lot about you. 

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