Zero Thought State Of Mind and its Benefits

Zero thought state is a Meditation state or it is the Next Level of Meditation. And also we said when we go deep in Meditation we attain the zero thought state.

Zero Thought state of Mind

Let's understand the zero thought state and its benefits.

Zero Thought State Of Mind and its Benefits

Zero Thought State

Zero thought state is a state when our mind is doing nothing, nothing means nothing. Like our attention, observation, awareness of senses became zero. No thoughts run in our mind. During meditation we try to control our thoughts, meaning we are doing something but in a zero thought state we are doing nothing. Even we cannot go into a zero thought state of our own will.

We can Also say that the zero thought state is the extreme state of Meditation. Yogis and

saint while Meditating, that is the zero thought state.

So the question came how we achieve zero thought state?

The answer is: By practice. Practicing meditation for a long time helps us to achieve a zero thought state. And when we go deep in Meditation we automatically enter into the zero thought state. First we have to learn to control our thoughts, then we are able to enter into the zero thought state.

Also if you already Meditate then you also practice zero thought state. Just sit in a distraction free environment and calm your mind, remove your focus from Everywhere. When you Practice this then definitely after some time a new thought comes in your mind, Now open your eyes and again start the same practice. But remember one thing: don't take stress and don't think that you are not able to focus or meditate. These types of thoughts frustrate you.

Zero thought state and Mind chemistry

On the basis of the quantity of thoughts our brain is of three types.

1. Monkey mind

From the name you get an idea which type of mind is this. Almost all humans have a monkey mind. A number of thoughts are running in this mind. As if a Monkey cannot sit silently, he jumps from one tree to another. In the same way a Monkey Mind Jumps from one thought to another. We have to understand that thinking more is not the key to high imagination or creativity.

2. Concentrated mind

We can achieve this state of mind by doing meditation on daily basis. The peoples who achieve this mind state they easily control their thoughts. And they are able to give direction to their thoughts. They achieve a good level of focus to concentrate on their work.

3. Blessed mind

It is the most powerful state of mind. Only a handful people achieve this state of mind like monks, saints. The people who achieve this state experience the zero thought state.

Benefits of Zero Thought State

We all know the amazing benefits of meditation. But the zero thought state is much more powerful than meditation. According to Buddhism in a zero thought state we achieve the highest potential of our Brain. And if we achieve the zero thought state then nothing will be impossible. After zero thought practice, invention will be easy because we increase our creativity or imagination at an extreme level.

How we Achieve zero thought state

As I already mentioned, only a handful of people achieve this state, so how can we do this?

It is true that it is difficult and takes a lot of time and practice to achieve this state. But the one thing that we have to understand that if we able to achieve zero thought state for a little time period means for 1-2 minutes then also we unlock the some potential of our brain, which is more powerful than the state in which we are living.

But these things came with practice. First we have to control our thoughts and achieve a concentrated state of mind. Then we are able to experience the zero thought state.

Believe me if you experience this state, even for 5-10 minutes in a day, then mind experiences new amazing powers. Your focus reaches an extreme level. Your Learning power increases, it will be easy for you to learn things.

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