Consistency- How to be consistent in life(21 Days Rule)

 We listen lot of motivational videos and aslo read motivational books. All these things encourage us to take action and we start working but we cannot able to maintain consistency in our work. What is the reason behind our inconsistency, reason is clear we cannot able to make it as our habit. If once we did it then automatically we will be consistent in our work.
Consistency- How to be consistent in life(21 Days Rule)

Here I share some Quotes on Consistency, so you deeply influence by power in consistency and then I cover how you develop a new habit and be consistent in your life and in your career.

Always remember Consistency is the Key to Success. 

1. Consistency makes the raindrops to create holes in the rock.

2. Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action.

3. An intelligent consistency is the foundation of genius.

4. Your daily habits have the power to change your life.

5. A little progress each day adds up to big results.

How to Be consistent

Dan Luca the famous author in his book The 5AM Revolution explain that making a new habit needs more fuel, more fuel means more efforts to reach its ignition point. Once you did it then it became very easy for you maintain consistency in any work. It same like an engine, as a engine take extra fuel to start as compared to run.

Now question is for how much time we have to put this extra efforts.

21 Days to Build a Habit

Answer for the above question is 21 Days. We can develop any habit it may be reading, working etc. Just in a period of 21 Days. So I consider these 21 Days as the magical days to change your life. Research show that if we follow a routine for next 21 Days then it bring not only mental but even physical changes in our brain neuron structure and then our brain get used to these routine. We have to put the efforts for 21 Days and then it became easy for us to maintain consistency. You can not only develop a habit even you give up wrong habit using these 21 days technique. 

Now I think one more question came in your mind and that is why drinkers, smokers can't give up their these bad habits.

Answer in one line.

Nothing will change until you want to change it.

I hope you learn something new.

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