Habits that Kill your Goals.

 In our last article we discuss a habit which directly wastes our time and also skills. Now in this article I am going to discuss some habits which kill your goals and indirectly waste your time.

So without wasting time Let's get started.

Habits that Kill your Goals.


Procrastination means unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. Your every goal has a fixed ignition point like you can achieve this goal in X days of consistent Hard Work. But if you postponing that task means you are postponing your success, your desired results. So start today and don't wait for the right moment Because the moment you are waiting for never comes. So start today with what you have. And believe me 90 days of consistent Hard Work bring you closer to your Goal. But if you procrastinate then definitely this habit kills your goals.

If you face difficulty to plan your 90 days routine then definitely this will help you 21/90 Rule


According to the laws of physics, nothing is perfect except this nature and the creator. And according to me Perfectionism means repeated hard work and experience. The problem with you is that from your first day you want to become perfect. And because of your dedication you do Hard Work, but Boss one factor is missing and that is your experience, which you get from your mistakes, failures and also from success. So my advice is don't run after Perfectionism in your initial days, but try to do better than the previous one. In your initial days make mistakes as possible, so you can learn more.

Understand with an Example- you start a company and after 5-6 years your company runs awesome and that time you commit a blunder, the only thing which helps you to conquer the mistake is your experience from past mistakes.  And maybe this mistake cost a large amount of money. But if you commit the same mistake in your initial days then it only teaches you. So don't be afraid to do something new.


Here Multitasking means you try different things at same time, like you start a blog page, a YouTube channel, an affiliate program etc. This thing is not wrong even if it increases your income. But when you start a new thing, it needs more attention. After time when you become familiar with that work then you go for another one. And then it became easy for you to manage all the things. But if you start all the things at the same time then it becomes a bit difficult for you to manage all things.


It is a bit difficult to get the desired results in the initial days. And a lot of people get demotivated and start worrying. I told you this habit only ruins your time. Instead of worrying if you continue working, you will definitely get desired results.

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