Habits that Make Anxiety

 We have certain habits that cause our worries. Knowingly or unknowingly, we repeat these habits many times. I already told that habits are so powerful that they create us or destroy us. So we have to be very careful regards our habits.

Here I explain some habits that make anxiety.

Habits that Make Anxiety

Skipping Meals

This is common things we almost do when we are in hurry we missed our meal for breakfast and planned to eat in some restaurant/hotel or junk foods. If you want to live a happy life so you have to be wealthy and healthy also. When you skip your breakfast, automatically you feel bad, low energy and this make anxiety.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Water provide enough energy to our body drinking enough water make us energetic whole day and because of lack of water we feel lazy. If At such points we want to do some work but because of laziness we didn't do it and this thing make anxiety worse to not doing work.

Not Moving Your Body

Sitting free all the day also make anxiety. Because our body and mind need both mental or physical entertainment. If you have more table work still you have to go for some physical exercise or games. It also keep your body in shape

Poor Sleeping Pattern/Sleep cycle

All these factor are equally important. Quality of sleep effects our energy level during the whole day. Where good sleep make us healthy and we feel cheerful and energetic and on the other side because of poor sleep quality we feel irritation, anxiety and these things also effect our productivity

how to get deep sleep

Watching Vulgar Content

There is enough content on the internet. We have to watch valueable content. Watching Vulgar Content create wrong ideas/thoughts in our brain and may be this thing leads to overthinking. And we all know that overthinking is the starting step of Depression

Playing Games(Violent games)

May be no word are required to explain this fact. 

But it also depend on us that how we use resources. We use them in right direction or we allow them to control us.

Other Habits 

1.  Drinking Alcohol 
2. Consuming too much sugar 
3. Ignoring your anxiety 
4. Eating processed food 
5. Listening vulgar News 

I hope you learn something new.

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