7 Habits What make us a good Reader.

Reading is an amazing habit. All the Successful people have a common habit of reading. Warren Buffett developed a habit of reading more than 600 pages in a day, Bill Gates read more than 50 books in a year, and Elon Musk in his young age spent ten hours a day reading. So in conclusion, we can say reading makes us a successful person.
7 Habits What make us a good Reader.

So in this article we understand the working of reading and also the 7 qualities, What makes you a good reader.

Habit of Reading

We learn many things every day, some consciously and some subconsciously. What we learn consciously is a little difficult to implement in our life, because habits are connected with our subconscious mind.

For example- we all know that consistency is key to success, still a lot of people do not be consistent in their work, because we learn this fact consciously. And through reading we learn things subconsciously.

Along with the reading, the way in which you read also matters because we all know that there are a number of books which are sold in millions but these don't create million successful stories.

The reason is out of these millions only a few percent people read complete books and out of them a few will implement those learning.

Now understand what are the 7 Qualities of a successful Reader. And you can say these are the characteristics of a good reader.

1. Be a casual Reader

Most of the people consider reading as a serious habit, they fix their time of reading etc. But reading is like watching Movies or playing games. You don't find time for these things, you automatically do these things because you take them casually. Also you don't have to find a distraction free environment to watch a movie.

When you consider reading as a serious task then you send a message to your subconscious mind that this is a serious task and for a serious task you need high focus and a distraction free environment etc. etc.

So try this thing and read when you find time and do nothing.

2. Using Dead time

I know that in books authors explain a principle with a number of examples and also their working science. So for reading books you have to read all these things at the same time to understand and relate things more. But you can use your Dead time in reading short articles or quotes. Quotes are best which motivate you the most and you read amazing self help articles on our website improvement-habits.com

Why to Read?

If you are not reading, you are not changing.

If you are not changing, you are not growing.

3. Repeated Reading

As I already said, if we learn things subconsciously then those things automatically implement in our life. And to learn things subconsciously we have to read more than 1 time.

According to study, if we read something then this information is kept in our subconscious mind for next 5-10 minutes and if we re-read the same things after some time then it will keep for the next 1 month. And if we re-read it the next day, then this information is stored in our subconscious mind for more than one month.

4. Read and Discuss

You read things means you learn things, but if you discuss things then definitely you are in the way of invention.

There is a famous quote that

Small mind discuss people

Good mind discuss events

Great mind discuss ideas

5. Read random things

By reading the book of Same niches you may get bored, so you go for different niches. And also reading random is considered a way to invent.

For example- by the knowledge of mobile and camera, we get mobile phones with cameras.

6. Fast Reading

Reading 600 pages in a day is normal for Warren Buffett. But some people have a habit of reading slowly. When you read anything, our mind also imagines the picture of that thing. So if you read slowly then you make a habit of your mind to think slowly.

To consume maximum from the book you don't have to read slowly, you have to read the book repeatedly.

7. Reading Vibes

Whatever book you are reading if you don't get any type of vibes, means you don't consume things subconsciously.

What are the vibes?

For example- If you are reading the secret then you get a feeling that this law definitely works, when you read The Power of Subconscious Mind and then if you start believing in your subconscious mind means you are getting these vibes. These vibes are the signal that inform you that you are consuming things subconsciously.

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