How to Build Discipline in Life

 In my last article How to Get Millionaire Mindset I talk about discipline, importance of discipline. I also talk about the actual meaning of discipline. And in this article I share some powerful and genuine method to build discipline in life.

How to Build Discipline in Life

Waking up at a set time

Most of the people snooze their alarm because they set the alarm of very early in the morning, means that time is not suitable for them. That's why they snooze the alarm. So the best is to set the alarm according to your waking up time period and when the alarm ring immediately get out of bed. And if you want to wake up in early morning then don't cut your morning wake-up time right away. Gradually reduce your alarm time.

Do your Hardest task First

Most of the time we postpone our hardest task for the later and at the end of the day when our energy is low, we don't feel comfortable to do that task and then we put this task on tomorrow. So the best is to do the hardest task first in morning. When you do this you get a feeling of satisfaction that major of our work you have finished. And if you want to be productivity then you have to find your MITs(Most important Task) and complete these tasks before lunch.

Replace old Habits

Obviously there are some bad habits which consume our most of time also some other habits like to give up and postpone works etc. break our discipline. So the best is to replace these bad habits with right ones. 

Social Media-Book Reading 

Web Series- Learning skills

Playing Video games- Meditation and Gratitude

Practice Some Rituals

Every successful person definitely follow some rituals in his daily life. There is basically two benefits of following any rituals. First benefit is that me directly take from these rituals Like Meditation improves focus, Exercises improves physical health. Second benefit is that when we follow these rituals  daily then we maintain a discipline in life. And this habit make easy to bring changes in our daily schedule Because we train our mind and also control our mind to do right things. And also we learn to control our daily routine.

Morning Miracle

Bed on Time

Fix your bed time and waking up time. Some peoples laying down on bed but can't fall asleep and in this way they waste their time. so the best option is maintain your sleep cycle. In the starting day te their time. So the best solution is follow a proper sleep cycle. In the starting May be it is difficult but after few days you became habitual with this bed time and wake up time. It also improve sleep quality.

No Screen Before Bed

There is lot of disadvantages of using smartphone before bed. It directly affects sleep quality. The best thing you can do before sleeping is reading, spending time with family. 

Distraction free work

Discipline in work is most important to be successful and distractions easily break our discipline. So next time when you are working keep all the distraction away from yourself. And also work in distraction free environment because sometime things around us distract us.

I hope you learn something new.

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