6 Amazing Day Management Techniques

 All the Successful people use their day in a certain way so they get maximum from it, which means they do productive work. I already published some articles regarding how to work productively, but here I discuss some practical and genuine methods to manage your whole day productively.

Why Time Management is Important?

Time management or managing your day effectively means you are managing your life in a better way. All we have 24 hours in a day, the successful people use their time and understand its importance, and the billionaires value each microsecond of their day.

6 Amazing Day Management Techniques

To-Do List

Most people know about this technique, that in To-Do list you have to write your MITs(Most important task) and then write other remaining works. It works for a lot of people but here also some people fail. The reason is they design the To-Do list but subconsciously they forget about it.

You have to put the list in your working room, so that whenever you see it, you remember your work. If you don't have the board to put this list then make this To-Do list in your smartphone and set the picture as the wallpaper for the day, so wherever you use your phone then you will remember that you have to do these tasks, these tasks are remaining. And in this way you increase the chances that you successfully complete all the tasks of your To-Do list.

Not To-Do List

We invest a lot of time in some unnecessary or unwanted activities. So the best thing is to make a second list where you write what you don't have to do. For example- if you are habitual to call your friend and then talk with him for next one hour, you go for a walk in the evening and because of long conversations with your friends you come home late. So mention all these tasks in the list.

It's normal that when we take a break or we are free we do the habitual thing first and it becomes your habit to talk to your friend for next one hour, or coming home late after evening walk. So when you write down in the list and see the list multiple times a day then you set this message Subconsciously.

Analyzing your Day

The best way to improve your performance in an exam is to find out your weaknesses. Once you find it then you have to improve it, automatically you get better results next time. In the same way if we analyze our day then automatically we get an idea where we have to improve and how we manage things more effectively.

Remember this is a skill to analyze things, in the starting days maybe you don't get a clear idea where you are wasting time or how to improve it. But with practice you can master this skill and once you learn to manage your day, then you get the desired results from your day.

This is also the best method to keep your brain calm and tension free. Because maybe you have some regret on that day, so when you analyze your day you automatically come to know about the good things for you or bad things for you. Then write down the bad things and then affirm that you don't focus on these non useful things.

Don't lose Blank check for 1 Rupee

We all have  86,400 second in a single day and I compare the each second with a one rupee. So maybe sometimes it happens with us that something changes our mood and then we remain in a low energy mood the whole day. It is like the same that you lose a blank check for a second.

It also happens when we come from another work and we feel tired, so we postpone our work on the next day. If you feel tired then take rest but don't waste your remaining day. If it is difficult to go to work then still do some part of work but don't quit completely.

Using Dead Time

During our day we have a lot of 2 minutes tasks like paying bills, checking emails and checking records. So I suggest doing this task in your free time. Dead time means that time when you are free and waiting for someone/something for example when you are traveling or you are waiting for a taxi or some other person. This habit saves a lot of time and otherwise this task creates pressure on you. And you will go on thinking all day that something is pending.

Value Your Time

This is the last thing I want to point out. We all don't value things until we know their needs. Maybe it happens to you that your train has been missed by a few minutes, and you get late for an important meeting. And after this you become punctual. And that is the point. The sooner we understand the value of time, the more beneficial it will be for us.

If you use your time then you pass in life, but if you pass the time then you definitely fail in life.

I hope you learn something new.
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