How to Control your Thoughts? | improvement-habits

Man is the Master of his Life and his Fate. Because Nature gives man total control over their thoughts. And our thoughts create our life, so if we control our thoughts it means we control our life and then We can make our life the way we want.

Now a lot of Questions come to your mind like how our thoughts control our life and if it is true then how we can control our thoughts, and what is the way to use our thoughts to design our life in a better way.

So in this Article we discuss all these questions.

Proven Ways to Control your Thought

You can also consider that this Article is Part 2 of "The power of Thoughts". And in this article we will talk a little deeper.

How to Control your Thoughts?

So Let's Started


Nature uses Energy to make everything, that means if we also want to create something in the physical form then we will also need energy. And our thoughts have Energy, some thoughts have high frequencies and others have low frequencies.

The thoughts which have high frequencies play a major role in making our life. But these high frequency thoughts May be positive or may be negative. Where positive thoughts create our life in a constructive way and negative thoughts are fatal.

So the Energy of our thoughts destroy our life or create our life.

Another science behind the power of thoughts is that high frequency thoughts feed in our subconscious mind, that's why they manifest in our life in physical form.


Now let's understand why some thoughts have high frequency and others don't. The thoughts which are mixed with emotions have high frequency and according to the nature of emotion thoughts affect our life.

If your thoughts are mixed with positive emotions then they bring prosperity, otherwise negative emotions only harm you.

The Positive Emotions are -

Faith, Love, Joy, Peace, Acceptance, willingness and Enlightenment.

The Negative Emotions are -

Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Fear, Anger and wrong intentions.

Control your Influence to control your thoughts

Our Mind is easily influenced by our surroundings and the nature of other's mindset. And that is the reason a Man is the Average of his five friends with whom he spend the most time. Because his friends Influence his minds maybe in a positive way or may be in a negative way.

So the very first thing you have to control is your surroundings, spend time with the people who are Success Conscious, spend time reading self-help books, and spend time to consume good content.

Keep your mind closed against all people who depress or discourage you in any way.

Apart from the people, nowadays Social Media influences our mind the most. And most of the people consume only useless content, which affects their "way of thinking" in a negative way.

So first control these things and your thoughts are maximum in your control.


Another thing that you have to do is shift your focus -

From Negative to Positive

From Bad to Good

From failures to Success

From problems to opportunities

From poverty to Prosperity

From sadness to Happiness

From boring life to interesting Life

Form stress life to Cheerful Life

From Hate to Love

From Anger to Peace

And if you do this then your mind will generate positive thoughts. But remember it will not happen in one day, you have to be Persistent and then the changes will come.

Always Remember these points where you have to shift your focus.

The Simple 2 Techniques to control your thoughts

Now I will tell you two simple techniques which you can use to take control over your thoughts.

1. Meditation

Meditation calms your mind and provides you with control over your thoughts. As if you are driving a car and you have to change your direction then first you take brakes and then change the direction of your car, if without taking brakes you try to change the direction then it will prove to be fatal. But again one day meditation doesn't help you.

You also heard of Vipassana Meditation, it is one of the powerful Meditations. Vipassana meditation is so powerful that this meditation is done to the prisoners to change their mindset.

2. Definiteness

The reason why our mind wanders is because we have not fixed a goal for ourselves. And if our mind wanders into different things, then we will put the energy of our thoughts in different places, which reduces the chances of any work being done. The best way to control your thoughts is set a definite goal and not distracted by what others doing.

Control your Thoughts Quotes

Here I share some Quotes which tell you the power of your thoughts. So you realize that How powerful thoughts are.

1. What we think, we become - Gautam Buddha

2. A Man is the product of his thoughts - Mahatma Gandhi

3. Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right.- Henry Ford

4. Your thoughts are the architects of your Destiny.- David O. Mckay

5. If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

6. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.- James Allen

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