5 Habits that changed your perspective on life

If you want to live life well and want happiness in your life, then you have to understand that this Materialistic world cannot give you this happiness.
This happiness comes from within you. And it depends on how you look at this world, it depends on your perspective.
So today I am going to talk about these five habits which affect your mindset, which affect your perspective to look at this world.
The author of Attitude is Everything explains that your attitude or mindset is like a window through which you see the world. And if there is dust on this window itself, then you will not be able to see the beauty of this world properly.
That's why let's talk about those five habits that work as dust on this window of yours( Your Attitude or Mindset ).
7 Habits that changed your perspective on life

5 Habits that Changed your Perspective toward life.

So Let's Start.

Perspective #1: JUDGE OTHERS

Seeing some people you feel good while seeing some people you do not feel good. This happens because you have already judged these people.
Let's understand this fact with an Example- If a new teacher comes to teach you and he scolds you as soon as the class starts, then you will judge him from this moment and you will not be interested in the way that teacher teaches.
And probably because it is said that your first impression is very important. Because from your first impression, the second person starts judging you.
In the same way you judge all the things and people that you meet. And when you judge these things you already decide that this will make you happy or this will bore you.
Suppose you have judged almost everything and it has come to the conclusion that you will be happy in 50% of the things and you will not get happiness in the remaining 50% of the things. So now your subconscious mind has understood that only 50% of the things in your routine will give you happiness and you have stopped expecting from the rest. And there is no guarantee that the things from whom you are expecting happiness will definitely make you happy.
And for this reason you are not able to enjoy every moment of your life.
Sadhguru says if you want full happiness in your life then do one thing when you wake up in the morning don't look at things with old judgment.


Let us understand this aspect with a story. Once a professor came to the class with a glass of water which was half full of water or can be said half empty. And then that professor asks the students to tell how much water is in this glass.
So half of the students say that this glass is half full and the rest say that it is half empty.
Then the professor explains to his students that the way we see this glass, we see our life in the same way. Just as there is summer, there is winter, there is fire, there is water, in the same way there is both happiness and sorrow in our life.
But we always pay more attention to what is not there in our life, and we keep getting upset thinking about it. It is similar to the way we think winter is good in summer and remember summer in winter.
I think that if you are doing ten things in a day, then you would not be doing five things with full Attention.
Now the best remedy of this is Practice of Gratitude.


If you also see the negative side of everything and you are unable to change this perspective, then the best solution is to practice gratitude. There are many ways to practice gratitude. But I will tell you about the most effective methods.
Gratitude means A strong feeling of thankfulness/ gratitude to all the people and things that contribute to the happiness and prosperity of your life.

1. Gratitude journal

In this Method you have to write the name of the people or things which make your day an amazing day. These people or things play any role in your life like they teach you, they help you, they entertain you etc.
If you do this technique in the night before sleep then this technique works better. Because when we sleep then our experiences and information starts entering into our subconscious mind, so if we remove all the negative thoughts before sleep then only positive information feeds in our subconscious mind.
And just writing is not enough, you also have to add your emotions. When you are writing your gratitude journal Then you really have to express gratitude to those people or things.

2. Gratitude Affirmations

You have to write in a gratitude journal and you have to practice speaking the same things in affirmation.
But remember Affirmations are just a line until you add your positive emotions or feelings. You have to feel grateful when you are practicing Affirmations.
Powerful Morning Affirmations

Perspective #4: WAKE UP WITH A SMILE

How productive and cheerful you are throughout the day depends on how you start your morning. So if you start your day with a smile then it affects your day in a positive way.
It happens with us as soon as we wake up in the morning then we start thinking about our routine and work. And it creates Anxiety in our brain. To avoid this, we should do some mindfulness work as soon as we wake up in the morning. When you wake up in the morning, keep this thing in mind that as soon as you wake up, do not engage your mind in useless things.
So wake up with a Smile not with the tension of your work.

Perspective #5: Comparison yourself with Others

These days it has become very common that everyone compares his life with the life of others. And by doing this, it happens that your attention goes on what is in the life of others which is not in yours. And this thing makes you disappointed towards life.
It is like a glass of water is half empty or half full, from which point of view you look at it.

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